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2017 Illinois Summer Impact:

Our caring and dedicated volunteers made life easier for hundreds of homeless and foster kids...and you can too! 

Project Awesome

  • Lake Bluff Middle school filled 370 care packages for foster and homeless kids to inspire them to feel good about their academic accomplishments!

Survival BacPac Program

  • Gartner, Inc., NFP Corporation, Moriah Congregation, ULine and many wonderful volunteers and donors provided or helped fill Survival BackPacs filled with food for 500 homeless youths across Illinois throughout the summer! These kids were afraid to go near soup kitchens because traffickers notoriously stalk these areas.

  • Affiliated Dentists, supplied us with toothbrushes and tooth paste for homeless youths!

  • Blanketed by Love kept kids warm!

Party 4 a Purpose 

  • Pam Oliver from Channel 5 News made dreams come true for a wonderful children's home! 

  • Laura Olson and many of the Uline team made beautiful birthday cards for children when they learned that children's homes can't afford birthday cakes and extras for their kids! 

  • Our Wonderful sponsors made it possible to delivered birthday cakes to foster children!​​​

Family Movie Night

Our Family Movie nights bring so much joy and happiness to foster children who have not experienced a movie theatre or buttered popcorn.  

Arts & Crafts

On Thursday evenings we have a special tradition with homeless youths.   We do art projects to help them experience what it's like to color and create something beautiful in the midst of their chaotic life.  Kids like Tiona are grateful to have peaceful moments like this that they didn't experience in their childhood. 

Project Smart  

  • Thanks to the efforts of Dr Joshua Alpert, Essendant Charitable Foundation, Five Below, Pfizer and our caring donors and volunteers together we delivered 6,050 school supplies to homeless youths and foster kids!  

Good things happen when we work together!!!

Our programs help kids stay focused in school because they have the right tools and

 they know someone out there cares about them.



NEW LOCATION: 1 Market Square Lake Forest, IL 60045

Please mail check donations to - Fill a Heart 4 Kids, 1 Market Square, Lake Forest, IL 60045 or you can make a donation online.
2023 Fill a Heart 4 Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

*There are over 120,000 orphans in America, while another 400,000 children live without permanent families (HHS; AFCARS).

 An estimated 1.3 million youths are struggling to survive without consistent food or shelter or any support from family (Government Data 2017).


To protect the privacy of the children we serve, their names are always changed.

Our stories are based on true events.

If you would like to volunteer at a children's group home or participate in special events with homeless youth - a background check is required..

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