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10/11/18 Montessori School or Lake Forest Raises money to help Fill a Heart 4 Kids.


2018 Governors Service Award


8/1/18 Lake forest Day Parade Most Original Montessori School of Lake Forest /Fill a Heart 4 Kids


7/23/18 Transforming Kids' Lives, One Square Foot at a Time - Lake County ...

When community members come together to improve kids' lives, amazing things can happen. Such was the case recently when volunteers from several local not-for-profits-spearheaded by Fill A Heart 4 Kids, a children's charity in Lake Forest-joined forces to update Allendale Association's moderate residential facility in North Chicago.

 4/12/18 Happy Cheesy Sock Day! A little kindness goes a long way for kids who are homeless and need socks! heal.


1/18/18 Gratitude Luncheon

A luncheon supporting the 2018 initiatives of the non-profit Fill a Heart 4 Kids, which helps foster children and homeless youth across northern Illinois, welcomed 200 guests. 


1/19/18 Todd Hall Elementary School Didn't Let Snow Stop their Service Learning Project for Fill a Heart 4 Kids


4/14/2017 Volunteers Make Special Easter Delivery for Homeless and Foster Children

500 Spring Baskets and Personalized cards....A group of volunteers is making a difference in the lives of foster children living in children's homes! NBC 5's Sabrina Santucci has more on their special delivery this holiday.


2/1/17 Fill a Heart Needs a Hand

"Fill a Heart 4 Kids has been providing holiday gift bags and greetings to youngsters in group homes for a decade, and each year the Lake Forest-run organization receives dozens of additional requests. For Valentine’s Day 2017 the demand has grown even more, and the organization needs help preparing treats for 880 youngsters."

Daily North Shore


12/23/16  Fill A Heart 4 Kids Toy Drive - American Bar Association

The ABA Staff Diversity Council-Chicago Holiday toy drive was a rousing success ... Please watch for the ABC Channel 7 News taped segment that will air at 5 pm ... Fill A Heart 4 kids provided the Council with a Christmas wish list for over 125 ... › ... › Fill A Heart 4 Kids Toy Drive 


3/8/16  Fill A Heart 4 Kids - Project Valentine

 “For most children, Valentine’s Day means hugs, cards, and candy at school and at home. But for the children in America living without families, it’s a day of heartbreak...”

Forest & Bluff Magazine


3/26/15    Scout Wrestlers Assist "Fill A Heart 4 Kids" With Distribution of Easter Baskets

 “The Lake Forest High School wrestling team helped "Fill a Heart 4 Kids" collect, pack and deliver 186 Easter baskets to Allendale on Monday, March 23. "Fill a Heart 4 Kids" is a Lake Forest-based organization that supports youth that are living in safe homes for a variety of reasons...”  

 Lake Forest High School


3/24/15 Next Stop: Easter

 “Fill A Heart 4 Kids, the Lake Forest-based organization that collected Valentine treats for 2,000 kids last month, rested for about half of one day before beginning a new effort to fill Easter baskets for abused and neglected children and teens in group homes and institutions in the Chicago area...”

Daily North Shore


5/15/15 Announcing LakeCountyCares’ 2015 I Care Honorees

“The following ten adults and one student will be honored at LakeCountyCares’ annual I Care Awards on May 2 at the Royal Melbourne in Long Grove...”

I Care Award  – Lake County Cares (Anniechicag)


2/18/15 Valentine’s Day

“Blessings to Annie and her generous donors at FILL A HEART 4 KIDS for including us in their circle of Love and Joy!   Glorious hand-packed Valentine Goodie bags were delivered to our families this weekend..”

House of Peace


2/11/15 Fill A Heart: Last Call!

“People from up and down the North Shore are pitching in to help Fill A Heart For Kids, but the organizers still need several items to place in Valentine gift bags for children and teens who live at group homes such as Allendale Home, House of Peace, Lydia Home, and Safe Families For Children...”

Daily North Shore


2/24/15 Fill A Heart 4 Kids Needs Help

“Fill a Heart 4 Kids is thankful for all of the contributions since the organization began collecting Valentine goodies last week; but they still need more treats, which they will wrap up and deliver on Valentine’s Day to children and teens who have been abused...”

Daily North Shore


1/27/15 Seeking Valentine’s For Kids

“A Lake Forest group called Fill a Heart For Kids is looking for Valentine Angels to donate Valentine goodies to children and teens who have been abused...”

Daily North Shore


1/27/15 Catholic Students Week

“…Monday, January 26th, ELA older students were paired up with younger students for an apostolic activity that will aid an organization called, "Fill a Heart 4 Kids." ELA students made special Valentine's Day cards, which will be placed in Valentine gift bags and delivered to at-risk children who live at Allendale Home, House of Peace & Lydia Home for Children & Safe Families...”

Chicago Tribune


3/4/14 Northbrook's Sherry Koo Collects Easter Gifts For Fill a Heart 4 Kids

“Within 440 gift bags donated from residents of both Lake and Cook County, kids in six residential facilities throughout the Chicago area received a plethora of items for Valentine’s Day, including nail polish, McDonald’s gift certificates, stickers, candy, sketch pads, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, facial products and more. In total, about 5,000 gifts were distributed...”

Northbrook Tower


3/1/09 Michael’s Chance

“Many women in Lake Forest are working to make a difference in the children of tomorrow. Ann McAveeney and her family are one of the many families in our community who have created organizations designed to make that difference...”

Forest and Bluff



NEW LOCATION: 1 Market Square Lake Forest, IL 60045

Please mail check donations to - Fill a Heart 4 Kids, 1 Market Square, Lake Forest, IL 60045 or you can make a donation online.
2023 Fill a Heart 4 Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

*There are over 120,000 orphans in America, while another 400,000 children live without permanent families (HHS; AFCARS).

 An estimated 1.3 million youths are struggling to survive without consistent food or shelter or any support from family (Government Data 2017).


To protect the privacy of the children we serve, their names are always changed.

Our stories are based on true events.

If you would like to volunteer at a children's group home or participate in special events with homeless youth - a background check is required..

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