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17 Years of Experience



We work with teachers, social workers, & children's advocacy centers to help homeless and foster children.

School attendance, knowledge, & dignity increase when children receive the support they need!

We purchase closeouts & supplies by the pallet tax free so your dollars go further.

Make your next Team Building Event at Fill a Heart 4 Kids! 

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Be A Weekend Food Bag Partner

​​1. Sponsor a Weekend Food Bag $20 - $25

2. Volunteer, fill food bags or $35 Holiday Food Boxes

at Fill a Heart 4 Kids.

3. Order from our wish list. 

4. Sponsor a $10 Fast food Gift Card

4. Please click on the link below. 



With the help of teachers & social workers we deliver weekend & holiday food bags to children without access to food pantries. Be weekly or monthly food bag sponsors OR order from our food wishlist.  Thank you for preventing  children from engaging in dangerous acts for food.

Valentine's Day is a painful day for children living in foster facilities.  

Especially the 650 foster children in our Brighter Futures Programs.

Help a child feel loved & remembered while they're waiting for a family to call their own.

On Your Volunteer Day:

You'll make Valentine Friendship Bracelets

Handcraft a Valentine Card 

Sponsor & gift wrap a present to help a child heal & experience a Happy Valentine's Day!  

Together we're

"Building Brighter Futures".


Subscribe to Our Newsletter

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NEW LOCATION: 1 Market Square Lake Forest, IL 60045

Please mail check donations to - Fill a Heart 4 Kids, 1 Market Square, Lake Forest, IL 60045 or you can make a donation online.
2023 Fill a Heart 4 Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

*There are over 120,000 orphans in America, while another 400,000 children live without permanent families (HHS; AFCARS).

 An estimated 1.3 million youths are struggling to survive without consistent food or shelter or any support from family (Government Data 2017).


To protect the privacy of the children we serve, their names are always changed.

Our stories are based on true events.

If you would like to volunteer at a children's group home or participate in special events with homeless youth - a background check is required..

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